The Village of Rycroft

View the minutes for this meeting.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes
    1. Council Meeting Minutes May 16, 2023
  4. Public Hearings
  5. Delegations
    1. 6:35 p.m. RCMP Sergeant Stokes Update
    2. 6:45 p.m. Resident Laurie Davies, RE: Backyard Hens
    3. 6:55 pm Resident Mary Anne Johnson, RE: Upcoming Paving Plans
  6. CAO Report
    1.  CAO Report  Action Items  Calendar  Council Strategic Plan Chart  Public Works Update
  7. Councillor Reports
  8. Previous Business
    1. Animal Control Bylaw 239-23 
  9. New Business
    1. Municipal Leaders Caucus in Wembley June 20, 2023  Email Invite
    2. Rycroft Ag Society RACE the 8 Sponsorship Package
    3. Rycroft Library Board Student Grant Request
  10. Correspondence Items
    1. ATCO Gas 2023 Updated Franchise Fee Forecast
    2. Central Peace Regional Water Supply Project Overview May 17, 2023
    3. Invitation to Ukrainian Day Celebration
  11. Closed Meeting
    1. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Part 1, Division 2, Section 24 (Personnel)
  12. Adjournment