Please contact the Village Office if you have any questions regarding these bylaws.
Documents are provided in PDF Format.
- 249-24 Cancellation of a Portion of Subdivision Plan 253KS Bylaw
- 248-24 Short Term Borrowing by Credit Card Byalw
- 247-24 Tax Rate Bylaw 2024
- 246-24 Animal Control Bylaw
- 245-24 Revised Bylaw 241-23 Borrowing Bylaw
- 244-24 Advertising Bylaw
- 243-24 Land Use Amendment Bylaw Changing Land Districts HD TO M1
- 241-23 Borrowing Bylaw for East Side Road Pavement
- 242-23 Traffic Control Bylaw
- 240-23 Bylaw Local Improvement Tax Bylaw
- 238-23 Tax Rate Bylaw 2023
- 237-22 Tax Rate Bylaw 2022
- 236-22 Rycroft Library Board Bylaw
- 235-21 Rycroft Arena Board Bylaw
- 234-21 Council Procedural Bylaw
- 233-21 Land Use Amendment Bylaw Increasing Front Fence to 4 feet
- 232-21 Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw
- 231-21 Borrowing Bylaw Amendment
- 230-21 Central Peace Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw
- 229-21 Master Rates Bylaw
- 228-21 Water and Wastewater Bylaw
- 227-21 Tax Rate Bylaw 2021
- 226-21 Tax Penalty Bylaw
- 224-21 Intermunicipal Development Plan Amendment Bylaw
- 223-21 Waste Management Bylaw
- 221-20 Business License Bylaw
- 220-20 Land Use Bylaw Amendment Allowing Residence in PS District
- 218-20 Tax Rate Bylaw 2020
- 217-20 ATCO Electric Franchise Agreement Bylaw
- 215-19 Land Use Bylaw
- 214-19 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw
- 210-19 Council Code of Conduct
- 209-19 Development Authority Bylaw
- 208-19 Regional Emergency Management Bylaw
- 207-19 Central Peace Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
- 206-19 Tax Rate Bylaw 2019
- 205-19 to Amend 191-17 Local Improvement Tax Levy Bylaw
- 204-19 to Amend 187-17 Local Improvement Tax Levy Bylaw
- 203-19 to Repeal 180-16 Local Improvement Tax Levy Bylaw
- 192-18 Tax Rate Bylaw 2018
- 188-17 Borrowing Bylaw for Local Improvement to 50 51 Street and 49 Avenue
- 187-17 Local Improvement Tax for 50 51 Street and 47 Avenue of $550,000
- 180-16 Local Improvement Tax for 50 Street $245,000
- 179-16 Untidy, Unsafe, Unsightly Premises Bylaw
- 178-16 Central Peace Fire & Rescue Commission
- 176-16 Local Improvement Tax For Fence Behind lots 17-21 Block 26 Plan 7922050
- 163-15 Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw